Soapy Sex
Because sex in a bathtub is just plain fun.
An Introduction
I know, I know . . . haven’t been posting much lately. Work has had me, um, working – and stuff has kept me away from a computer whenever I wasn’t at work. Crazy cycle. Still, though, I’m always thinking . . . and I’m always thinking kinky. A bit of a “this is what…
Trying something a bit different here – a kink that I’ve been asked about, but had never written about. Um, certainly male dominant, and male submissive, but not group sex.
After a few too many glasses of wine, I got into an “aw-shucks” moment while thinking deeply . . . this came out, a bit of a stream of consciousness. Nothing kinky.
Make-Up Sex
I think we all know that make-up sex is great — a little bit of anger, a whole lot of pleasure.
The Cruise
I was reading a few posts of a blogger friend of mine who I really admire . . . her writing captured me & her replication of an event reminded me of a time in my younger days. No BDSM, just regular old sex.