An old jungle gym
Male dominant, female submissive
Her Reward
Male dominant, female submissive
A night away
Male dominant, female submissive
With the kids away
A bit harder than most. Male dominant, female submissive
A tie & a room to themselves
As soon as the door shut, they were an awkward jumble of limbs, a whirlwind of sighs, moans, and giggles, as one mouth met the other and hands sought to feel what societal norms say you shouldn’t feel in public. They landed on the bed, him on top of her, and he broke from her…
An early morning in a cold room
Back to the old standby: male dominant, female submissive.
To start the day
A fairly standard “male dominant, female submissive” jaunt.
Lasting Reminders
Male dominant, female submissive, far more aggressive than I’ve been sharing lately.
A proper massage
A sweet tale with only the lightest bit of kink. Male dominant, female submissive.
Because I want to
Typical “male dominant/female submissive” story…